Sir Isaac Newton

美 [sɜːr ˈaɪzək ˈnuːtən]英 [sɜː(r) ˈaizək ˈnjuːtən]
  • 网络牛顿;艾萨克·牛顿爵士;伊萨克·牛顿;学的伊萨克·牛顿;学的艾萨克·牛顿
Sir Isaac NewtonSir Isaac Newton
  1. Doing this will require him to take on his scientific hero -- Sir Isaac Newton .


  2. Sir Isaac Newton , the great scientist of the seventeenth century , first studied gravitation .


  3. A concave mirror creates an image from this light using a design pioneered in the17th century , by Sir Isaac newton .


  4. It was Sir Isaac Newton who discovered the law of gravity .


  5. The knight we 're looking for is Sir Isaac newton .


  6. Sir Isaac Newton supposedly discovered gravity through the fall of an apple .


  7. Of or relating to or inspired by Sir Isaac Newton or his science .


  8. When Sir Isaac Newton was a boy , he often saw apples falling to the ground .


  9. According to Sir Isaac Newton ,


  10. Sir Isaac Newton said that time was absolute , that it occurred whether the universe was here or not .


  11. Albert Einstein contributed more than any other scientist since Sir Isaac Newton to our understanding of physical reality .


  12. He realizes he will be fighting more than two centuries of scientific thought and his hero -- Sir Isaac Newton .


  13. Darwin is buried in London 's Westminster Abbey , close to another great British scientist Sir Isaac Newton .


  14. Sir Isaac Newton wrote his Principia while convinced he was an armadillo .


  15. Explore the famous laws and principles that Sir Isaac Newton developed and derived by his unparralleled power of observation and his mechanical thought process .


  16. A piece of physicist Sir Isaac Newton 's apple tree is to defy gravity by being carried into space on the next NASA shuttle mission .


  17. A jet engine works on the principle of Sir Isaac Newton 's third law of physics , i.e.for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action .


  18. In something as big as the South Sea Bubble , poets , bishops , Sir Isaac Newton and King George I were drawn into the euphoria .


  19. Great Britain was the first country to adopt the gold standard , when the Mastet of the Mint , Sir Isaac Newton , established a fixed price for gold in1717 .


  20. The school where Sir Isaac Newton studied in 1655 is celebrating after 80 pupils took the test - with the majority missing out on a Mensa place by just a few marks .


  21. First formulated by Sir Isaac Newton , the three-body problem involves calculating the movement of three gravitationally interacting bodies - such as the Earth , the Moon , and the Sun , for example - given their initial positions and velocities .
